Develop and produce your own unique bean-to-bar
chocolate in our micro craft chocolate factory!
Training and workshops
Cacaolab’s team of experts offers hands-on trainings and dedicated workshops for chocolate makers, covering the entire process from bean to bar.
Product development & production
In our micro craft chocolate factory, our dedicated and passionate team will assist you in the development of your own bean-to-bar chocolate and introduce you to the various steps of making high-quality chocolate.
Our roaster, winnower, grinders and cocoa melangers can also be rented on a daily basis for your chocolate productions.
Quality control
Do you want to improve and control the quality of your chocolate? Then Cacaolab is the place to be! We offer you a wide range of analytical tools to determine the bean quality and the fineness, viscosity and flavor profile of your chocolate.
Do you have some spare time and are you willing to help us improve quality control for bean-to-bar makers? Complete our survey!