Your feedback means the world to us!On-demand course “Chocolate making - Science & art from bean to bar” Name First Name Last Name Email What is your profession? * Cocoa farmer Chocolate maker starting from fermented and dried cocoa beans Chocolate maker starting from cocoa ingredients (cocoa liquor, butter) Chocolatier using industrial chocolate Employee in a chocolate factory (quality, HR, marketing & sales, R&D, etc.) Employee in a company that supplies raw materials for chocolate production Student Other How did you come into contact with our online course? * E-mail Cacaolab website Instagram or Facebook LinkedIN Colleague or friend I really appreciated the * ... topics discussed in the course. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree ... visual support of the slides. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree ... the teaching capacities of the teachers. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Do you have any comments or suggestion you would like to share with us about this course? * What do you think about the price for this course in regard to the knowledge that you gained? * Too low Just about right Too high Can Cacaolab use a quote from you regarding your appreciation of this online course? If so, please describe in a few sentences. If we launch other online courses in the future (e.g. on fat bloom), would you consider buying them? * Would you recommend this online course to a friend? * Yes No Thank you!